about the distillery
Millburn Distillery

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Distillery Object: {"about":"The distillery was founded as \"Inverness Distillery\" by Mr. Welsh in 1807 (sixteen years before the passage of the Excise Act of 1823, which legalized whisky distillation.) It came under the control of James Rose and Alexander MacDonald in 1825, but the company was sold off four years later. Millburn became part of the Distillers Company Ltd. family as a result of the 1935 merger of Booth's with William Sanderson \u0026 Co., which itself was purchased by DCL in 1937. DCL moved Millburn under the control of Scottish Malt Distillers Ltd in 1943. Millburn ran steadily until 1985, when the increasing depth of the whisky loch forced its closure. Any chance of it reopening were stymied in 1990 when a restaurant chain bought the site and renamed the building The Auld Distillery, though with the trend for small-scale distilling who knows if a micro-site might just spring up. It would be the least Inverness deserves. ","headline":"Millburn Distillery","image_or_video":"gid:\/\/shopify\/MediaImage\/35447794958593","name":"Millburn"}
Distillery Name: Millburn
Distillery Headline: Millburn Distillery
Distillery About: The distillery was founded as "Inverness Distillery" by Mr. Welsh in 1807 (sixteen years before the passage of the Excise Act of 1823, which legalized whisky distillation.) It came under the control of James Rose and Alexander MacDonald in 1825, but the company was sold off four years later. Millburn became part of the Distillers Company Ltd. family as a result of the 1935 merger of Booth's with William Sanderson & Co., which itself was purchased by DCL in 1937. DCL moved Millburn under the control of Scottish Malt Distillers Ltd in 1943. Millburn ran steadily until 1985, when the increasing depth of the whisky loch forced its closure. Any chance of it reopening were stymied in 1990 when a restaurant chain bought the site and renamed the building The Auld Distillery, though with the trend for small-scale distilling who knows if a micro-site might just spring up. It would be the least Inverness deserves.
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about the distillery
Millburn Distillery
The distillery was founded as "Inverness Distillery" by Mr. Welsh in 1807 (sixteen years before the passage of the Excise Act of 1823, which legalized whisky distillation.) It came under the control of James Rose and Alexander MacDonald in 1825, but the company was sold off four years later. Millburn became part of the Distillers Company Ltd. family as a result of the 1935 merger of Booth's with William Sanderson & Co., which itself was purchased by DCL in 1937. DCL moved Millburn under the control of Scottish Malt Distillers Ltd in 1943. Millburn ran steadily until 1985, when the increasing depth of the whisky loch forced its closure. Any chance of it reopening were stymied in 1990 when a restaurant chain bought the site and renamed the building The Auld Distillery, though with the trend for small-scale distilling who knows if a micro-site might just spring up. It would be the least Inverness deserves.
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