about the distillery
Daftmill Distillery

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Distillery Object: {"about":"In 2003 brothers Francis and Ian Cuthbert applied for planning permission to convert the old mill into a distillery.\nThe license to distil was granted by Her Majesty’s Revenue \u0026 Customs on St Andrews Day 2005 and the first whisky was produced on 16th December 2005, making Daftmill the newest distillery to open in Scotland at that time.\n\n","headline":"Daftmill Distillery","image_or_video":"gid:\/\/shopify\/MediaImage\/63458258616696","name":"Daftmill"}
Distillery Name: Daftmill
Distillery Headline: Daftmill Distillery
Distillery About: In 2003 brothers Francis and Ian Cuthbert applied for planning permission to convert the old mill into a distillery. The license to distil was granted by Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs on St Andrews Day 2005 and the first whisky was produced on 16th December 2005, making Daftmill the newest distillery to open in Scotland at that time.
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about the distillery
Daftmill Distillery
In 2003 brothers Francis and Ian Cuthbert applied for planning permission to convert the old mill into a distillery.
The license to distil was granted by Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs on St Andrews Day 2005 and the first whisky was produced on 16th December 2005, making Daftmill the newest distillery to open in Scotland at that time.
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