about the distillery
Glenury Royal Distillery

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Distillery Object: {"about":"In 1825 Glenury Royal Distillery was founded by Captain James Barclay. \nThe Walking Captain’ retained ownership until 1858, when he sold it to William Ritchie whose descendants ran it until 1938. At this point, Joseph Hobbs bought it for Train \u0026 Macintyre, the UK arm of National Distillers of America. It was then run as part of T\u0026Ms Associated Scottish Distilleries portfolio which used Glenury as its head office.\nNot much whisky was made under its new owner. The distillery closed during World War Two and in 1953, NDA’s Scottish venture came to an end, just before the American market went into overdrive. In the mid 1960s, it was expanded and doubled in capacity, but was another which fell victim in whisky’s era horribilis of the early 1980s. The land was sold for housing and the distillery buildings were demolished. Then in 2003 Diego released a 50 year-old expression.","headline":"Glenury Royal Distillery","image_or_video":"gid:\/\/shopify\/MediaImage\/35439792980225","name":"Glenury Royal"}
Distillery Name: Glenury Royal
Distillery Headline: Glenury Royal Distillery
Distillery About: In 1825 Glenury Royal Distillery was founded by Captain James Barclay. The Walking Captain’ retained ownership until 1858, when he sold it to William Ritchie whose descendants ran it until 1938. At this point, Joseph Hobbs bought it for Train & Macintyre, the UK arm of National Distillers of America. It was then run as part of T&Ms Associated Scottish Distilleries portfolio which used Glenury as its head office. Not much whisky was made under its new owner. The distillery closed during World War Two and in 1953, NDA’s Scottish venture came to an end, just before the American market went into overdrive. In the mid 1960s, it was expanded and doubled in capacity, but was another which fell victim in whisky’s era horribilis of the early 1980s. The land was sold for housing and the distillery buildings were demolished. Then in 2003 Diego released a 50 year-old expression.
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about the distillery
Glenury Royal Distillery
In 1825 Glenury Royal Distillery was founded by Captain James Barclay.
The Walking Captain’ retained ownership until 1858, when he sold it to William Ritchie whose descendants ran it until 1938. At this point, Joseph Hobbs bought it for Train & Macintyre, the UK arm of National Distillers of America. It was then run as part of T&Ms Associated Scottish Distilleries portfolio which used Glenury as its head office.
Not much whisky was made under its new owner. The distillery closed during World War Two and in 1953, NDA’s Scottish venture came to an end, just before the American market went into overdrive. In the mid 1960s, it was expanded and doubled in capacity, but was another which fell victim in whisky’s era horribilis of the early 1980s. The land was sold for housing and the distillery buildings were demolished. Then in 2003 Diego released a 50 year-old expression.
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