about the distillery
Coleburn Distillery

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Distillery Object: {"about":"Coleburn Distillery is one of the many Speyside distilleries that didn’t manage to survive. It was mothballed in 1985 and since the equipment was dismantled and the buildings sold there is less chance that we will ever see a Coleburn Distillery revival – nevertheless Diageo is still the owner of the brand Coleburn.","headline":"Coleburn Distillery","image_or_video":"gid:\/\/shopify\/MediaImage\/35399270301953","name":"Coleburn "}
Distillery Name: Coleburn
Distillery Headline: Coleburn Distillery
Distillery About: Coleburn Distillery is one of the many Speyside distilleries that didn’t manage to survive. It was mothballed in 1985 and since the equipment was dismantled and the buildings sold there is less chance that we will ever see a Coleburn Distillery revival – nevertheless Diageo is still the owner of the brand Coleburn.
Hide Distillery: false
Hide Tasting Notes: false
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about the distillery
Coleburn Distillery
Coleburn Distillery is one of the many Speyside distilleries that didn’t manage to survive. It was mothballed in 1985 and since the equipment was dismantled and the buildings sold there is less chance that we will ever see a Coleburn Distillery revival – nevertheless Diageo is still the owner of the brand Coleburn.
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